Jackie O On Melbourne: “It Didn’t Go Gangbusters, But That’s Okay. It Humbled Us”
B&T had a humbling Melbourne experience recently, too. Though that involved a…
Kyle Sandilands On Advertising: “We Want Return Business. It’s No Good Just Taking Someone’s Money”
Kyle & Jackie O finally arrive on Melbourne radio. As yet, no…
Tuesday TV Ratings: Kyle Sandilands Shocks Audience on Australian Idol
Don't worry readers, no Paralympians were mentioned this time round.
Sandilands Attacks “Woke” Media Industry Over Australia Day
What B&T misses most about Australia Day is all the overseas artists…
“Love The Alcoholic Nose” – Kyle Sandilands’ Explicit Voicemail To Steve Price
The Sandilands-Price war takes a nasty turn. And, B&T will give it…
Jackie O Rushed To Hospital Following Live On-Air Medical Emergency
If you thought anyone was going to have a heart attack live…
“He’s A Dog”: Kyle Sandilands’ Feud With Rival Jase Hawkins Intensifies
Radio rogue Kyle Sandilands denies industry rumours he once smoked bongs. Not…
Radio Stars Gather For The 2023 ACRA Awards! But Where’s Kyle?
It was Aussie radio's night of nights on Saturday which, somewhat ironically,…
Watchdog Deems Kyle Sandilands’ Comments On Paralympians “Offensive”
Watchdog busts Kyle for apparent "offensive" on-air comments. Offensive Australian Idol ratings…
“You Have No Idea!” Abbie Chatfield Slams Sandilands For Sexist Comments
B&T's uncomfortable with this ongoing war, but believes nothing a four-kilo double-smoked…
Radio Ratings: Sandilands Sans Jackie O Gets Beat By Ben Fordham
Ben Fordham returns to the top of the radio ratings. Alan forced…
“Brutal!” Allison Langdon Confides In King Kyle Over Grimshaw’s Epic Snub
Allison Langdon goes to great lengths to assure us all Nine's one…
“Bust Channel Nines’s Bubble!” Sandilands Reveals Grimshaw’s ACA Successor
B&T has no idea who the next ACA host will be, suffice…
Brittany Hockley Is Getting Criticised For Becoming King Kyle’s Temporary Co-Host
Brittany Hockley named Jackie O's replacement. Although it would've been so much…
B&T Exclusive! “We Haven’t Lost Any Advertisers!” Sandilands & Jackie O Talk Reigning Supreme
As regular readers know, B&T has a morbid fascination with Kyle &…
Australian Podcast Advertising Spend Continues To Soar
It appears the end of the pandemic hasn't seen a fall in…
“Sh%T Event!” Sandilands’ Spicy Take On The ACRA Has Resurfaced
In fairness we've all turned up to Chrissie Lunch after bitching about…
“Jail Free Card!” Sandilands Unveils The Reason He Has Never Got The Chop
Surely if radio were no longer an option, the real estate industry…
Sandilands Returns To KIIS After Calling The Lawyers & Walking Out Friday
Sandilands definitely in his, "I'm the only one that does anything," era.…
“Bullsh@t Newspaper Agenda!” Sandilands Slams The Daily Telegraph
Kyle Sandilands confirms he's possibly the one & only person that doesn't…
Abbie Chatfield Calls Out Advertisers That “Align” With Rogue Sandilands
Kyle rearranging his extensive enemies hit list this morning as rival media…
“Manufactured!” Sandilands Slams Reports Advertisers Are Jumping Ship From KIIS
More enticing news for those waiting in the wings for Kyle's plum…
“Dickheads & Massive Losers!” Sandilands Launches Stinging Tirade Against His Own KIIS Colleagues
Are you the office "I do everything around here/this place would be…
“Sound System From Lowes!” King Kyle Slams The AFL’s Grand Final Half-Time Show
Kyle heads long list who seemingly confused what was meant to be…
“Like A Family Member Has Died!” Sandilands Breaks Down Paying Tribute To The Queen
Kyle continuing to prove he's a big cuddly teddy bear, becoming latest…
“Imbecile!” Sandilands & Stefanovic Both Lay Into Meghan Markle’s Cover Story
B&T journos dream of being invited to a dinner party with both…
“Fierce Supporter Of LGBTQI+” ARN Stands By Sandilands After His Bananas Monkeypox Comments
ARN pulling a Hilary Clinton and standing by their man! A tale…
“Big Gay Disease!” Sandilands Gets Roasted For Completely Bananas Monkeypox Comments
You know things are bad when everyone from Andrew Hornery to The…
Sandilands Forgoes Using ARN’s Paternity Leave Policy & Stays On-Air
B&T demanding to know why Kyle hasn't taken paternity leave. Less demanding…
Kyle Sandilands’ Newborn Makes Radio Debut, Less Than 24 Hours After Being Born
Think Kyle is a domineering, self-aggrandising bully? Let your paternal instincts wash…
“It’s Time!” Kyle Sandilands Leaves Radio Show & Rushes To Hospital To Welcome Son
News.com.au journos finally have something new to write about with Kyle Sandilands…
Kyle Sandilands Continues To Rebrand Into A Progressive King
Kyle's gone woke, Alan's been neutered & Ben's all a bit boring.…
Kyle Sandilands Shows Softer Side & Posts Moving Tribute To Radio Icon Peter Harvie
Kyle proves he's just one big softie at heart. Says he'll return…
“They Think I’m Skint!” King Kyle Reacts To His New International Fans Demanding He Gets A Pay Rise
You'd be forgiven for thinking B&T had turned into the Daily Mail…
“Fu$k Off Clown!” King Kyle Becomes An International Feminist Hero For Calling Out Sexist Guest
Kyle named an international feminist hero! Not that he's taken to reading…
King Kyle Throws His Hat In The Ring For Seven’s Australian Idol Reboot
Judges B&T would like to see on Australian Idol include Kyle, Alan,…
“I Would Have Cut His Throat”: Kyle Sandilands Defends Will Smith, Relates To Him With Similar Incident
No matter whose camp you're in regarding the slap, at least this…
Albo Attempts To Sway King Kyle And Jackie O’s Vote & Heads Onto The Show
Judging by Albo's appearance on Kyle & Jackie O, our next PM…
King Kyle & Jackie O Use Their Golden Mics To Throw Support Behind ScoMo In Election Shake Up!
In news that should come as a shock to no one, incredibly…
King Kyle Lights A Match To The Rumours That Alan Jones Could Return To Radio
Alan reportedly already bored of pruning his azaleas & chutney making as…