Marketing Mavericks: Optus’ Melissa Hopkins

Marketing Mavericks: Optus’ Melissa Hopkins

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Marketing Mavericks was a supplement in the latest mag, featuring some of Australia’s most daring and bold marketers. Today, we’re bringing you Optus’ head of consumer marketing Melissa Hopkins.

History Guides The Future

Melissa is a restless life-lover and a pragmatic disruptor. Beginning her career agency side at Y&R, Melissa is now client-side as head of consumer marketing at Optus. And while she never actually thought she’d end up as a marketer, she’s now known in the industry for her ability to challenge the norm and deliver standout marketing campaigns time and time again. 

I never thought I would be a marketer. I started life in film and TV production with aspirations to be a documentary producer. Yet paths change and opportunities present themselves. It is fair to say I have always been drawn to creativity of some type, but I now appreciate that creativity is very much needed at the CEO and board level. Creativity is not limited to marketing – it is a mindset.

What makes me a marketing maverick? In the words of Charles Darwin: “The species that survives is the one that is able to best adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself.” This to me is the perfect definition – never stand still, be one step ahead and adapt always – to the market, to the category, to your company, to new management  and new opportunities. Never settle for the steady race.

On the most innovative campaign I’ve worked on at Optus, I’d say it’s hard to choose. Perhaps the amazing work around the Women’s World Cup where the brand and creative teams’ insights and ideas changed a whole product construct  – gifting the Women’s World Cup demonstrates the influence that marketing
can have.

My life hero would have to be Eleanor Roosevelt. Her book You Learn by Living is my bible. She’s a true trailblazer that not only championed but drove results for women’s rights, civil rights and humanitarian rights in the most gracious way. She effectively demonstrated that bravery coupled with humility is a perfect combination. I also learned from her that the impact you can have on the world is never truly done.

Your greatest light bulb moment?

I have had many light bulb moments. If I had the greatest one, my journey would be done. I am still working towards it.





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