20 Questions With OMD’s Aimee Buchanan

20 Questions With OMD’s Aimee Buchanan

Sad all the coverage from B&T Women in Media Awards is done and dusted? Ha! Gotcha. Think again – we’re not nearly done celebrating all the incredible women across the media industry – especially our winners.

We decided to play a quick game of ’20 Questions With’ each of our award recipients. Today we asked OMD’s CEO Aimee Buchanan the hard questions, like whether she replaces the office milk and her go-to karaoke song. Aimee was awarded this year’s Woman of the Year award.

20 QUESTIONS WITH Aimee Buchanan

1. Best thing about winning a B&T Women In Media Award?

To be given a platform to drive change in our industry.

2. Where’s your trophy?

On my desk at work.

3. How many trophies do you now have in your trophy cabinet?

No cabinet – I have a few on my desk that pick me up on those harder days.

4. One thing you’d do to change your industry for the better?

Improved parental leave policies and informal structures that keep great talent in our industry.

5. What makes you mad?

Dishonesty and not telling it like it is.

6. What makes you happy?

My husband and daughter.

7. How would colleagues describe you?

Driven, focused and probably annoying.

8. How would you describe your colleagues?

Supportive, fun and talented.

9. Favourite industry hero?

I don’t really have an industry hero, but I do have lots of mentors that have influenced me along the way. These include clients – some of the nation’s best marketers Kim Portrate, Michael Smith, Joe Pollard, Jenni Dill and Olivia Wirth, who have taught me a lot and supported me on my journey. Others include people who I have worked, such as Peter Horgan and Kristian Barnes.

10. Your one career regret?

Not working overseas.

11. Your biggest career tip?

Put your hand up and lean into every opportunity. This is an industry ripe with opportunities and experiences if you seek them out.

12. Best stress reliever?

I would normally say exercise, sleep and red wine, but at eight months pregnant it is mostly sleep!

13. Dream holiday destination?

Africa – I have been three times but cannot go past the richness of the sounds, sights and smells. We can’t wait to take our kids there.

14. The one book you’d recommend?

Hard to choose one – I love the honesty and self-discovery in Tracks by Robyn Davidson, as well Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts, for the extremeness of his story.

15. If you weren’t doing this what would you be doing?

Lawyer or journalist.

16. Where will you be in 10 years’ time?

No idea – maybe writing a book on the beach.

17. The one technology you just don’t understand?

The office video conferencing seems to always get the better of me.

18. Your most embarrassing media addiction?

Survivor – I can’t get enough of it.

19. Go-to karaoke song?

I avoid singing karaoke at all costs.

20. Do you replace the milk in the staff fridge?

No, because I don’t drink it.


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20 questions with Aimee Buchanan OMD

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