Rose Herceg, ANZ president of WPP, is one of the most important people in adland. B&T‘s Sparrow grabbed a couple of very valuable minutes with Herceg to find out what’s been on her mind and what she’s looking forward to for the rest of the year.
1. WPP House was a highlight at the first SXSW Sydney. How do you think it went?
Rose Herceg: We made sure our content was terrific. Lots of fantastic guest speakers. A brilliant space we turned into our own. We were the way I want us to be every day. Substantive. Refreshing. Relevant. Fun.
2. How was it received by clients?
Some of the best feedback we’ve received since my time in the job – 20 months in. It was the thoughtful content that they loved the most. Meaty conversations worth having. They also liked how we took a space inside the Powerhouse Museum and turned it into our own WPP House.
3. Did you get to experience SXSW generally? What was your favourite session or music showcase?
Not as much as I would have liked. Chance the Rapper I hear was great. Charlie Brooker too.
4. It might be a bit early, but will you be back next year?
Hoping to be.
5. We saw you on stage at MFA EX event, where you spoke passionately about the Unstereotype Alliance. Are we moving fast enough on diversity and inclusion?
We can always be moving faster. We’ll know we’ve made a material difference when we no longer need to talk about it.
6. Outside of WPP, what do you do to relax and unwind?
Movies. Series. Streaming. Reading. I’m excellent at doing nothing.
7. What still gets you excited about our industry?
An idea whose time has come.
8. You are very close to Pat Crowley and his family. How do we keep them in our thoughts and support them for the long term?
Keep checking in. Swinging by for a cuppa. Talking about everything in life, as well as the boys.
You can donate to Crowley’s fundraiser here and learn more about Crowley and his family here.
9. Christmas isn’t that far away, what are you hoping Santa brings you?
I will be an auntie again soon. I can’t wait! That’s all I want.
10. Any New Year’s resolutions?
Learn how to whistle. Properly.
Check out the other instalments in the Fast 10 series here:
- B&T Grabs Fast 10 Questions With Mike Rebelo!!
- “Awards Won’t Win You A Pitch!” 10 Quick Ones With Initiative’s Award-Winning CEO Melissa Fein
- It’s A Quick 10 Questions With Former GroupM Supremo John ‘Steady’ Steedman
- It’s 10 Quick Questions With CHEP CEO Lee Leggett
- “Adland Has Defied The Doomsayers!” It’s 10 Questions With Omnicom Supremo Peter Horgan