B&T Lists The Many Ways Celebrity Interviews Can Fail

B&T Lists The Many Ways Celebrity Interviews Can Fail

Interviewing people can be exhausting and embarrassing for everyone involved, here are some examples of how interviewing can go terribly wrong.

Cara Delevingne


To promote her film Paper Towns, Delevingne’s responses to Good Morning Sacramento made the anchors seem pretty tense. This probably could have been because GMS pronounced her name wrong “Clara” and told her she was looking tired.

Amy Schumer

Tip number 15: don’t call the interviewee skanky.

Russell Brand

B&T’s man crush Russell Brand runs laps around these American talk show hosts. Brand takes total control of the room, especially once the interviewers say they don’t understand his accent, why he’s popular and calling him “Willy” instead of Russell.

Samuel L Jackson

During Samuel L Jackson’s promotion of Django Unchained he refused to continue the interview unless the host said a certain word. Basically the equivalent of the Jackson’s famous line from Pulp Fiction: “SAY WHAT AGAIN”.

Quentin Tarantino

During the promotion of Django Unchained, Tarantino refused to discuss any link between movie violence and real life violence during a heated interview with British interviewer Krishnan Guru-Murthy.

Mark Walhberg

When Marky Mark went on The Graham Norton Show to promote his film Broken City- it was clear that Walhberg had been hitting the sauce pretty heavily.

His drunk appearance was all pre-planned. Wahlberg told Digital Spy: “I was trying to do a ‘bit’ and some people took it too seriously.”

John Cusack

Tip number 23: don’t praise your interviewer for something they didn’t do.

Madonna Vs Courtney Love

The 1995 post-VMA interview featuring Madonna and Courtney Love starts with a makeup bag being thrown on stage and then collapses from there.

Tom Cruise

Tip number 65: Don’t interview Tom Cruise, he is crazy.

Can you think of another cracker of a failed interview? Tweet us @bandt

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