Digital Degustation

Digital Degustation

Every week Naked Communications' Andrew Reeves scours the web for all things digital, quirky and innovative and presents it in bite-sized portions.

Stavinsky Gets All Ravey In The Netherlands

Laser beams and orchestral performances are not often things you’d readily consider pairing.  That’s why Arcade, a group of technical artists, relished the opportunity to be commissioned to set up 50 lasers in an auditorium to accompany ‘The Rite Of Spring’ performed by the Netherlands Symphony orchestra. The result – beams of light were synchronized with the score and the air was optimised with vapour and smoke – the result is pretty sensational.

Playboy Becomes Unwitting Messenger

In this not so subtle jibe at soft porn institution Playboy – anti rape activist group FORCE has replicated and adapted the official Playboy website in order to highlight their ‘consent’ message against sexual assault.  This clever piece of guerilla activity coincides with Playboy’s annual guide to partying at college, which is where unsurprisingly a lot of non-consensual sexual predation goes down. See it here  

Dream Catcher App Monitors Your Sleep

Ever wanted to capture those elusive dreams you have? You know the ones where you dream up lottery numbers, or perhaps you get ambiguous messages from strangers, only to find them slip away on waking? Well ‘Shadow’ is an iOS app that gently coaxes you out of your slumber in such a way that your dreams are both memorable and ready to be recorded for later analysis.

Skycall – A Drone Guide Service

Imagine being lost in a new country or town and instead of relying on a knowledgeable stranger, map or guidebook you instead ‘Skycalled’ in help.  Skycall was developed at MIT and it is a smartphone-to-drone guide service.  Able to not only route you a course and avoid obstacles, the drone device also speaks and points out places of interest and other geo-specific information of value.  This invention is truly science fiction come reality.

Weekend Warriors Rejoice

HEX3 AppTag brings all the fun of first person shooter gaming to the real world by creating an experience that integrates smartphones with toy guns so you can go and play shoot-em-ups with the other big kids IRL.  This is not your average summer water pistol tussle though, it’s more like laser tag on steroids because the app comes loaded with all the features and benefits of online gaming such as maps, radar and team communications features.  Check it out here

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Concrete Playground Debuts Innovative Urban Exploration Platform With Lexus As Launch Partner

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