Pasta Maker Unveils Gorgeous Homage To Italy & To Say “Grazie” To Its Tireless Health Workers

Pasta Maker Unveils Gorgeous Homage To Italy & To Say “Grazie” To Its Tireless Health Workers

Italy has been absolutely savaged by coronavirus with some 17,000 deaths and spiralling.

The nation has been forced into a complete lockdown, something that is proving difficult for the family and restaurant loving Italians.

To lift the nation’s spirits, the Parma-based pasta-maker, Barilla, has unveiled a moving TVC to say “grazie” to the people of Italy and its tireless health workers.

The spot’s the work of Publicis Italy and is narrated by one of the most iconic Italians on the planet, the actress Sophia Loren.

Barilla has donated a total of over two million euros ($A3.5 million) to the Maggiore Hospital of Parma, the Civil Protection and the Parma Red Cross. Check out the work below:






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