There is just under a month to go until the inaugural Cairns Crocodiles Awards presented by Pinterest! Today, as our judges deliberate over a year’s worth of hard work, we celebrate some of the incredible entries in the Healthcare category sponsored by Alternaleaf.
The Cairns Crocodiles Awards celebrate the best examples of creativity in marketing and advertising. There are some 20 categories of awards covering everything from audio craft to data-driven creativity. The awards also highlight the best media executions, out-of-home placements, and strategy smarts.
So, without further ado, lets dive into some of the groundbreaking work that is fighting the good fight in promoting health and wellness.
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Dentsu Aotearoa, Movember
The Challenge:
Movember traditionally raise funds by encouraging men to grow moustaches- but that does not have an impact on Men’s mental health, which is a key focus. So this year, it wanted us to help them do something to get men thinking about their mental health.
The Thinking:
Traditionally Movember and other charities for men’s mental health try to get men talking to their mates. It’s a losing battle.
So this year the strategy was to get someone more comfortable with mental wellness to reach out to them. The women in their lives.
So the question became, how do we get women to think about the mental health of a man they cared about?
The Idea:
One of the biggest Tiktok trends of 2023 was women asking men how often they thought about the Roman Empire. A lot.
So Movember created a series of Ancient Roman influencers who flipped the trend by directing women to check in with their men if he wasn’t thinking about the Roman Empire.
TikTok is famous for its art direction. Or lack of it. But that played into our hands. Dentsu Aotearoa created striking characters of the ‘influencers of ancient Rome’ that stood out on the platform – but were instantly identifiable with the trend we were trying to leverage.
It posted the videos from Movember’s global TikTok account and posted videos, stitches, duets and video responses to comments from the 27th of October to the 27th of Movember.
The Outcome:
The campaign had millions of views and a tone of engagement but despite the campaign using humor we were asking men to have a very private conversation with the men in their lives.
One indicator that a lot more men are thinking about their mental health is that Movember saw a 13% spike in registrations year on year.
“The campaign smashed all our expectations,” said Rob Dunne of the Movember Foundation.
@movember Join the movement for men’s mental health. #romanempire ♬ original sound – Movember
Dentsu Creative, Dentsu Creative
The Challenge:
4 in 5 Australians support organ donation and the registration process takes just 60 seconds. Yet still, the demand for more transplants isn’t being met, year after year.
The reality is that less than 1% of people who die each year are eligible for organ donation, given the deceased must die in a hospital under very specific circumstances. This is exacerbated when you consider only 54% of the deceased’s next-of-kin consent to donation – simply because they never discussed their loved one’s decision. This lack of conversation, combined with all kinds of myths about the procedure, was preventing thousands from receiving a lifesaving transplant.
The task was therefore two-fold:
- Increase the number of registered donors
- Trigger a difficult, but much-needed conversation between family members about their donation decisions.
The Thinking:
With such a small amount of the adult population opted in, encouragement is needed to get the remaining to become registered donors, including those believed to be “not healthy enough”.
But how do you inspire a nation to broach a less-than-inspiring topic? You situate it within a perennial national talking point: Sport.
Together with Transplant Australia, Dentsu launched a national campaign and feature-length documentary about the Perth World Transplant Games – to tell a less sombre, more positive story within the category. To give this campaign a crucial news hook, it also created a bespoke Split Medal – designed to be shared between the winning athletes and their donors/donor families who made their success possible, which made for a world-first in sporting history.
Ultimately, Dentsu used the event to reveal a very different side to the organ donation process and to show that one conversation with your next of kin could potentially save 10 lives.
The Idea:
Second Chance Champions: a motivating story used the Trojan Horse of sport (a national love) to invite the conversation of organ donation into lounge rooms across Australia.
Launching across multiple streaming platforms, Second Chance Champions is a feature-length documentary backed by PR that delves into the world of organ donation through an international sporting event called the World Transplant Games.
This made for compelling content, but to make it equally newsworthy, Dentsu created a world-first in sporting history by giving athletes the opportunity to split their winning medals with the donors and donor families who made their success possible.
Crucially, the film launched at a time that made it topical—airing on DonateLife Thank You Day, a national day to reflect and say thanks to the donors and donor families who had given others a second chance at life. Furthermore, Dentsu ensured conversations around the campaign stretched into the holiday period, where the topic of gifting and generosity felt incredibly relevant.
By deliberately eschewing the sombre tone of the category and emphasising gains over losses through the theme of sport and mateship, we successfully shifted public perceptions around a critical issue within Australia.
The Outcome:
Airing on Ch10, 10 Play, Apple TV+ and Paramount+, Second Chance Champions achieved national TV and online coverage, unlocking an audience of 12m Australians. Or put differently, 50% of the adult population. This figure increased by 3m through PR across TV News, Online, Radio & Print – resulting in 743 pieces of coverage and generating $14m in earned media (despite $0 media investment). But more importantly, it motivated families across the country to discuss a subject very few of us want to think about, let alone talk about.
Actual donor rates across the campaign period increased by a remarkable 60% (vs the previous period) – marking a critical reduction in our transplant waitlist and a 4 year all-time high for Australian donor rates.
As for transplant athletes, the bespoke Split Medal offered them the chance to take part in a global first in sporting history.
Crucially, the campaign affected real behaviour change – prompting 200,000 new registrations and an uplift in family consent rates. This resulted in a 13% increase YOY in organ donors and a 14% uplift in transplant recipients.
What does this all mean? Second Chance Champions not only converted hesitant participants into could-be lifesavers, it helped save 1,396 Australians lives.
Ogilvy NZ, Breast Cancer Foundation
The Challenge:
Women are at the heart of families, communities, businesses, the world. When women thrive, we all thrive. But when a woman gets breast cancer, it affects everyone.
There’s a 95% chance of surviving breast cancer five years or longer if the cancer is detected by a mammogram. But since COVID the mammogram screening rates have dropped dramatically in New Zealand, which means many women are in danger of not catching it early enough.
For this reason, the Breast Cancer Foundation wanted to create an ‘always on’ reminder campaign, to help make sure mammograms stay top of mind, not just women, but the people around women too.
The Thinking:
New Zealand’s home to a wide mix of cultural groups and for many of them, talking about mammograms is awkward or not talked about at all.
With this in mind, Ogilvy NZ set out to create a simple, powerful, and light-hearted campaign to get breasts on everyone’s minds. By turning everyday objects into mammogram reminders, it created an accessible language for people to share ‘boobs’ with one another, making it that much easier to remind loved ones, and most importantly, talk to one another.
The Idea:
To trigger people into seeing ‘boobs’ everywhere, Ogilvy NZ created a subliminal campaign – plastering towns throughout the country with posters featuring breast-like images with a simple call to call to action, suggesting that maybe these objects that remind them of breasts might just be a sign that it’s time to book your mammogram or to remind a woman you love to do the same.
The Outcome:
It’s just launched, but already a positive uptake on visits to the Breast Cancer Foundation’s site can be seen as well as click-throughs to book a mammogram. By covering the entire country with boob-like objects, Ogilvy gave a whole new meaning to mammogram reminders. Suddenly, sharing a reminder with your mum became so much less awkward.
The simplicity of the campaign has resonated with people all over New Zealand and the globe, with photographs of the poster campaign being shared and re-posted on social media platforms.
Ogilvy Singapore, Unilever
The Challenge:
In Thailand, there are about 161 new burn patients every day, but the Thai Skin Bank, the collective depository of the nation’s donated skin, is empty. The lack of skin donations is mostly due to a lack of awareness. No one was talking about the subject, so nobody donated. Vaseline, which has been caring for skin since 1870 and has a strong presence in Thailand, wanted and encouraged skin-donor registrations country-wide.
The Thinking:
Few Thai’s knew that skin could be donated, so we turned to those who knew the value of skin and had a strong social presence: Professional gaming streamers. By partnering up with them, Ogilvy Singapore let them exchange their favourite skins in the game for skin donation pledges for the Thai Red Cross.
The Idea:
With burn patients and victims rising every day in Thailand and with a strong lack of awareness about the topic, Ogilvy Singapore decided to target a younger demographic who would be able to understand the value of skin. In October 2023, 12 of Thailand’s largest streamers went online with a simple message: donate your skin in exchange for one of our favourite skins in the game. Reaching millions of young people over the course of 7 days, we amplified the campaign further with a dedicated YouTube film. And with 500,000 Vaseline jars with our message on it, we were able to reach a more diverse audience.
The Outcome:
From zero to 30,000 new donor registrations through the Thai Red Cross
- 23,653 cm-squared of donated skin collected
- 6 lives saved, as recipients of skin grafts donated via the campaign
- 780 million social media impressions
- 66 million views on TikTok and Youtube
- 20,000 viewers from gaming live streams
The Hallway, Boody
The Challenge:
Boody was on a mission to ‘own comfort’ in their category, leveraging the unique benefits of their bamboo underwear to drive sales. As a B Corp with a vision to ‘create a future fit for all’, Boody has developed a suite of products designed to genuinely enhance the lives of its customers by tackling the physical discomfort inflicted daily by competitor products and to improve their emotional well-being as a result. The challenge was to build awareness of the Boody brand and drive sales to extend that benefit to even more women.
The Thinking:
It’s uncomfortable being a woman. Research shows that women spend a cumulative 27 years in physical discomfort, and while much of that discomfort is attributable to biological factors no fashion label can solve, we also found that 50% of women take their bras off as soon as they get home and that 30% of women say uncomfortable underwear negatively affects their mood.
But, with generations of women socially conditioned to believe that womanhood equals discomfort, accepting long ago that there was no alternative, women had learned to endure. They’d stopped talking about it. So, The Hallway resolved to get them talking by demonstrating on a large, public scale that women do deserve to demand better from their underwear drawers. And that Boody is that ‘better’.
The Idea:
Unlike other forms of discomfort that are invisible and known only to the sufferer, the particular kind of discomfort Boody wanted to talk about – experienced by the wearer of imperfect underwear – leaves evidence on a woman’s skin. In those reddened marks, one can see and almost feel the way her bra and underwear have dug, rubbed, itched and squeezed her body.
The Hallway reasoned that when it comes to women’s underwear, the best impression a brand can make is no impression at all, and so the campaign was conceived.
In light of Boody’s vision “to champion a future fit for all”, The Hallway cast for diversity and appointed a photographer whose work demonstrated a deep empathy for the female form. It made production choices that would emphasise the defiant, provocative intention of our campaign. It placed the branded strip in the middle of each composition, interrupting the display of discomfort with Boody’s own invitation to ‘Make Yourself Comfortable’.
The media strategy aimed to echo the defiant tone of the campaign, making very public the discomfort women had kept private for so long. In outdoor and transit, Thw Hallway chose large, highly visible placements to make sure women from all demographics could have a relatable moment with the brand and boost awareness. To answer Boody’s sales objectives, it used social media to serve Boody up as the solution to the problem uncovered by our strategy, presenting the models as happy, confident and liberated in their Boody underwear driving traffic to Boody’s online store.
The Outcome:
In promoting a brand that aims to leave no impression on the body, our ‘Make Yourself Comfortable’ campaign made a considerable impression on our audience.
- 36% increase in new customers
- 22% increase in online sales
- 400% increase in online searches for Boody
Comments on Boody’s owned social media channels reinforced the impact of the campaign with statements like ‘so relatable’, ‘powerful’, ‘genius and revolutionary’, ‘speechless’ and ‘obsessed with this campaign’ capturing the powerful impression our campaign left.
Not only did The Hallway increase Boody’s visibility, but it also prompted women to reconsider the discomfort they’ve tolerated for too long.
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