Cannes Lions has detailed its live briefing sessions for its 2023 awards, helping agencies and brands hit the mark with their entries.
The live presentations will be hosted by the Cannes Lions awards team and will include case studies, Q&As, and insights from previous winners and Jury members.
Here is the line up for the briefings:
Part 1: The Value of the Lion
This session looks into the benefits of benchmarking your creativity and how it can improve results for your ads and your business. Using data and case studies from previous Lion winners, the session will highlight the link between creativity and business effectiveness.
2 Feb, 9 pm AEDT
Part 2: What’s New for 2023
This session explains the changes made for the Lions this year, including the new Entertainment Lions for Gaming and the refreshed Media, Mobile, Creative B2B, and Pharma Lions.
It will also outline changes to the categories such as the inclusion of Metaverse and provide additional information about the new, non-compulsory questions on Sustainability and DE&I.
9 Feb, 9 pm AEDT
Part 3: Entry Journey, Eligibility and Judging Process
Part three will detail of the entry journey and the key things for entrants to remember at each step of the way. Eligibility criteria, Jury member selection, and the judging process will be explained, as well.
16 Feb, 9 pm AEDT
Part 4: How to Craft Your Entry
Jury members and previous winners will give you advice on creating a winning entry.
The panel will explain the information you’ll need to provide on every entry, e.g contacts or media info, plus advice on creating the case film, written submission, the importance of cultural context, and more.
23 Feb, 9 pm AEDT