20 Questions With ABC’s Jocelin Abbey

20 Questions With ABC’s Jocelin Abbey

In today’s edition of B&T’s 20 Questions With… we’re talking with ABC head of marketing Jocelin Abbey.

Jocelin won B&T‘s Women in Media award for Marketing (sponsored by CHE Proximity). Today we ask her the hard questions, like her biggest stress reliever, her most embarrassing media addiction and her favourite industry hero.

20 Questions with Jocelin Abbey

1. What award did you win?


2. Best thing about winning a B&T Women In Media Award?

B&T Women In Media Awards celebrate change in our industry. To be a part of that cohort is a great motivator, as we still have a long way to go.


3. How many trophies do you now have in your trophy cabinet?

This one will definitely replace the tennis trophy for ‘participation’ I received when I was 12.

4. One thing you’d do to change your industry for the better?

Increased representation of modern Australia through all written, screen and audio content. You can’t be what you can’t see. We have a duty to make this a reality.

5. What makes you mad?

I will always get angry when I see injustice. All humans deserve to be treated equally, and when this doesn’t happen, we need to challenge it.

6. What makes you happy?

The simple things in life – nature, a good bottle of wine, a belly laugh with friends, my dog Frank.

7. How would colleagues describe you?

Eternally positive (rose coloured glasses…)

8. How would you describe your colleagues?

Passionate, creative, hard-working, committed.

9. Favourite industry hero?

There are many incredibly strong, powerful women who inspire me within the industry. My current hero is Que Minh Luu, Executive Producer at ABC, who is a fierce champion of on and off-screen representation. Her credits are impressive with The Heights, Diary of an Uber Driver and the now-viral vertical video series, ‘Content’. Long live #Flipgirl.

10. Your one career regret?

How long it took for me to believe I could do it.

11. Your biggest career tip?

Be clear about your goals and don’t settle for anything less. Use your initiative, again and again. Resilience will be your best friend.

12. Best stress reliever?

There’s nothing like a good run with a podcast or music to leave you feeling a million bucks.

13. Dream holiday destination?

Northern Italy. My husband is Italian, so any excuse to get back there is gratefully accepted.

14. The one book you’d recommend?

Currently reading Three Women by Lisa Taddeo. It’s powerful. You must do yourself a favour and run to the nearest bookstore for a copy.

15. If you weren’t doing this what would you be doing?

Working at an organisation that I was as equally passionate about.

16. Where will you be in 10 years’ time?

Being inspired by great creative minds, fighting for the things that matter and, in the moments in between, enjoying the simple things in life.

17. The one technology you just don’t understand?

I still get confused by the ABC’s travel booking system.

18. Your most embarrassing media addiction?

While it’s not embarrassing as such, a YouTube vortex can result in some very interesting content.

19. Go-to karaoke song?

No one wants to hear me singing karaoke. Trust me.

20. Do you replace the milk in the staff fridge?

No, but now that you have asked this question, I will make sure that I do this week!


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