Donald Trump Tweets Vanity Fair Is “Dead” And Its Editor Has “No Talent”

Donald Trump Tweets Vanity Fair Is “Dead” And Its Editor Has “No Talent”

Say what you like about the soon-to-be installed President of the US but his tweets border on the mad to the downright hilarious.

Again, Donald Trump has decided to tweet his rage globally, this time taking aim at one of the most venerable of US publishing organs Vanity Fair.

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The President-elect was triggered by a Vanity Fair review of Trump Grill, titled Trump Grill Could Be The Worst Restaurant In America, by Tina Nguyen. Here is just a snippet of Nguyen’s burn on Trump Grill:

  • “Renowned butcher Pat LaFrieda once dared me to eat an eyeball that he himself popped out of the skull of a roasted pig.  That eyeball tasted better than the Trump Grill’s (Grille’s) Gold Label Burger, a Pat LaFrieda–branded short-rib burger blend moulded into a sad little meat thing, sitting in the centre of a massive, rapidly staling brioche bun, hiding its shame under a slice of melted orange cheese.”
  • “The allure of Trump’s restaurant, like the candidate, is that it seems like a cheap version of rich.”
  • “The restaurant features a stingy number of French-ish paintings that look as though they were bought from Home Goods. The bathrooms transport diners to the experience of desperately searching for toilet paper at a Venezuelan grocery store. “
  • “I asked the waiter what Trump’s children eat. He didn’t seem to understand the question, or, like Marco Rubio, appeared unable to depart from his prescribed talking points.“Oh, I’ve shaken hands with him before, and they’re pretty normal-sized hands,” he responded.”
  • “If the cheeseburger is a quintessential part of America’s identity, Trump’s pledge to “make America great again” suddenly appeared not very promising. (Presumably, Trump’s Great America tastes like an M.S.G.-flavored kitchen sponge lodged between two other sponges.)”
  • “‘Dago’s famous guacamole’, which NASA might have served in a tube labeled “TACO FILLING” in the early days of the space program.”

Trump was certainly unrestrained in his attack calling the title “dead” and labelling the editor, Graydon Carter (below), as having “no talent”.


Trump and the magazine have had an ongoing Twitter war dating back as far as 2012 and that’s despite Trump appearing in the title on a number of occasions.

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Having said that, Vanity Fair took a decidedly pro-Clinton stance during the recent elections. Carter too is a co-founder of the now defunct Spy magazine that regularly lampooned Trump. It’s reported that Carter originated a joke about the size of Trump’s hands while Spy magazine regularly called him a “short-fingered vulgarian” in its pages.


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