The Nomination Gate Swings Open For Inaugural Ageing Media Awards

The Nomination Gate Swings Open For Inaugural Ageing Media Awards

Nominations are now open for the inaugural NSW Ministerial Advisory Committee on Ageing’s (MACA) Media Awards, which celebrate and recognise excellence in reporting on ageing. Minister for Ageing John Ajaka said the Awards are an opportunity for members of the public and media to nominate articles, videos or images that challenge negative stereotypes towards older people.

“Getting older doesn’t mean life ends; it just means life changes. As a community we need to get rid of outdated ideas about ageing because at the end of the day people are more than a number,” Ajaka said.

“The media has an important role to play in changing the public’s perception towards ageing and reducing ageism within our community. The MACA Media Awards are the perfect opportunity to acknowledge and commend NSW media who are doing an excellent job in changing opinion and reporting on ageing.”

“Ageing is a normal part of life. Everyone has the right to embrace and enjoy it,” added the chair of MACA, Kathryn Greiner AO.

Nominations are open for the following categories: news, current affairs, health and lifestyle, advertising and images. Nominations can be made from the following sources: print (newspapers, magazines and articles), broadcast (TV and radio) and Internet (blogs, websites and YouTube videos).

All nominations will be judged by a panel of experts in the field of journalism. The winner will be announced at an awards ceremony in October 2016.

Nominations close at 5:00pm on Wednesday 31 August 2016. All nominations must be submitted online through the SmartyGrants portal.

The NSW MACA is the official advisory body to the NSW Government on matters that affect the needs, interests and wellbeing of older people in NSW. One of the key priorities for the MACA in 2017 is on the perceptions of ageing in the community. For more information, click here.

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