Women In Media: It’s REA Group’s Tracey Fellows

REA Group names Tracey Fellows as new CEO..

In today’s inspiring installment of our Women in Media profiles, we take a peek into the life of REA Group CEO and executive director, Tracey Fellows, and chat about dogs, Australia Post and chardonnay.

Describe your average day?

I get up early to exercise. Then work is either a whole bunch of meetings or travelling. But when I’m home, that’s family time.

I spend a lot of time with our people – one-on-ones, business reviews, informal and formal.

What drives you?

I love what I do and I do it with all of me so that makes it easy. But I get my energy from people – our people, customers, everyone.

What’s the hardest brief you’ve ever received or hardest job to execute?

Australia Post and managing the decline of the physical letter. It’s a tough environment as people are sending far fewer letters and that has a lot of people implications. Very challenging.

What would be your ultimate role?

This role – I love it. I know that sounds cheesy but it’s the truth. Even my worst day are REA is pretty awesome. And I remind myself of that every day.

What’s your quirkiest attribute?

Don’t know about quirky but I laugh a lot. People will say ‘Tracey is in the building’ because they hear me laughing.

What are advertising/marketing’s biggest challenges or threats?

New entrants. Competition can come from anywhere these days from very big players or starts ups. The game has changed. We look for talented people who can look around corners because that’s what’s needed today.

What do you think are the most exciting things in the marketing and creative world at the moment?

Technology and doing things that weren’t possible before.

Is there anything you would like to change or do differently in the industry?

More diversity. We employ a lot of engineers and finding great women is hard. Diversity of people gives diversity of thinking and that matters – especially in a business like ours.

Hardest lesson you’ve had to learn (in or out of workforce)?

Not sure about hardest but most useful was that, as a leader, you have to be your genuine self. There are can’t be one person for work and one for outside of work because people see through you.

Tea or coffee?


Cats or dogs?

Dogs but we don’t have one as my husband is not a dog fan!

Guilty pleasure?

Chardonnay and shopping.

What’s your favourite TV programme?

Hmmm not a HUGE TV watcher but probably Q&A and Grand Designs and of course watching the Sydney Swans.

What turns you on, emotionally, creatively, spirituality?

People who make a difference – for a cause, in their work or family or community.

What turns you off?

Arrogance and people who are not self critical. None of us are perfect – I find it frustrating when people cannot acknowledge their failings or weaknesses.

What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Working for an NFP in the area of education. So much starts with educating people. That is the thing that can make the difference.

What profession would you not like to do?

Politician – so hard to be in the public all the time.


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