Atlassian Executives Predict The Future Of Work

Atlassian Executives Predict The Future Of Work

Executives at Atlassian have made some stark predictions as to what the future of work might soon look like.

Dom Price (title picture), work futurist and keynote speaker, believes that the nature of work will become “more human.”

But what does Price mean by this?

He states that people, “need psychological safety, purpose, reliable rituals, and strong empathetic leadership to thrive and reach their full potential.”

Accordingly an alarming Atlassian report shows that only 17 per cent of teams identify as healthy, a demonstrable example of a crying out for more support from teams and leaders.

Price adds, “Leaders need to walk the talk or employees will walk.”

Price’s beliefs align with the growing trend of employees worldwide redefining what matters most to them and their demands that business leaders take a more comprehensive view of their well-being.

Proof of this can be found in the Return on Action Report which found 37 per cent of employees will go as far as to quit their job if their employer values don’t align with their own.

Aside from Price, these are some of the other top predictions from other Atlassian higher-ups.

Michael Pryor, head of Trello, Atlassian, “Don’t just focus on replicating work experiences digitally, focus on replicating the human experience at work.”

Virtual reality (VR) and the metaverse will present massive opportunities to digitize precious in-person time and create a sense of connection, but until these technologies become as ubiquitous as the internet, companies must be just as intentional about bringing their teams together in the virtual world as they are in reality.

Adrian Ludwig, chief trust officer, “The lines between security, engineering, trust, privacy and compliance in an organization will disappear.”

Archana Rao, CIO, “Every business unit in an Enterprise will operate in an agile fashion with their dedicated IT partner, changing the way business units transform and build new capabilities.”

Sri Viswanath, CTO, “Over the next 5 years, Web 3.0 will upend the way we think about application development.”

“Powered by blockchain technology, this new version of the web will usher in a decentralized internet and put data ownership back in the hands of the user.”

These insights led by Atlassian’s resident futurist Dom Price aren’t the ramblings of a crystal ball wielding psychics that you’d find in the deepest, darkest trenches of public access radio.

Instead, Price’s forecasts correctly emphasise the importance of ensuring individuals remain at the core of even the largest scaled technological operations.

This is of course valuable wisdom from a thought leader at the forefront of the zeitgeist that is life at work.

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