Torrens University And Real Madrid Offer New Sports Management MBA

Torrens University And Real Madrid Offer New Sports Management MBA

Last year Torrens University Australia launched a new industry-aligned Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Sports Management in partnership with Real Madrid Graduate School. The program director, Dr. Justin Pierce and lecturer Dr. Daniel Mark Evans discuss the MBA in detail, the importance of sport within society and the opportunity to learn from the best of the best-Real Madrid Club de Fútbol.

“Our MBA is designed to supplement your business and leadership experience, with a focus on Sports Management. Our MBA online program is globally recognised and helps sharpen students understanding of key business functions, in context of the sporting industry- accounting, contracts, marketing, economics,” Pierce explained. “Students benefit from studying core MBA and industry-relevant sports management subjects, with local and international industry experienced lecturers and academics leading their learning.”

One of the biggest advantages for Torrens MBA candidates is a two-week industry placement at the biggest football team in the world, Real Madrid C.F. Pierce added: “Students get to visit headquarters in Madrid and talk to the leaders who work within the Real Madrid business.”

The rare opportunity to gain access to Real Madrid management might be sexy and marketable; but for Pierce and Evans, the MBA offers something far greater for the student- learning how sports and sports management fits within society at large. Evans calls this the ‘mutual interdependency of sport’, meaning that teams need each other in order to survive.

“The sporting industry is unique when it comes to business, where teams require healthy competition to thrive. To an extent, they need other teams and clubs in their code to do well. The code has to be healthy and growing for individual clubs to survive,” Evans said.

“There’s another premise called the uncertainty of outcomes, you don’t have a product if you know who are going to win all the time. To keep people interested there has to be realistic chance for any number of teams to be successful. You can have favourite and dominate teams, but if that continues over 10-15 years what’s the point.”

Torrens University is one of our amazing sponsors of the first Ministry of Sports Marketing conference to be held at Sydney’s iconic Randwick Racecourse on 19th July. It’s going to be a cracker of a day, so give this little link a click and find out more about the conference. Follow the social pages – B&T’s TwitterMSM Conference’s Twitter and Facebook – for more information and updated stories.

Ministry of sports marketing

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