Newspaper Reporter Named Worst Job For Third Year In A Row

girl with a laptop sitting on newspapers

As if the traditional media industry hasn’t been hit hard enough comes news today newspaper reporters have the worst job.

Not only did it come bottom in the job rankings list from CareerCast, it’s the third time the good ol’ journo hack has finished last.

While 200 jobs are recorded in the company’s annual list, advertising execs and online journos appear to be omitted.

Still, CareerCast noted the traditional media realms have been hit hard by depleting advertising, which has also put the role of advertising sales person in the worst ten jobs for 2016 for the first time.

The study measures the work environment, stress levels and hiring outlook – the higher the number, the better. It’s scored out of 100. Read more about the study’s methodology here.

For a newspaper reporter, the environment – which accounts for emotional and physical factors – was rather high at 86.5. Stress too wasn’t bad at 69.6. The hiring outlook was bleak though with -13.33.

A social media manager was smack in the middle of the ratings, at number 101. The work environment and stress factors had similar scores; 45.7 and 38.69 respectively.

A PR exec number 121 on the list. Work environment score was 69.3 with stress at 47.44. Hiring outlook wasn’t great at 12.44 though.

A publication’s editor was 137 on the list. Work environment was 50, stress 25.6 and hiring outlook grim at -1.34

An advertising salesperson wasn’t far behind the newspaper reporter, coming in at number 184. Work environment was at 68, stress 24.48 and hiring outlook -2.52.

A photojournalist was 195, followed by broadcaster at 196. And then newspaper reporter all the way at the bottom.

The list did not appear to include those who work in advertising or agencies.

The top ten best jobs for 2016 are:

  1. Actuary
  2. Audiologist
  3. Mathematician
  4. Statistician
  5. Biomedical engineer
  6. Data scientist
  7. Dental hygienist
  8. Software engineer
  9. Occupational therapist
  10. Computer systems analyst

The top ten worst jobs to 2016 are:

  1. Newspaper reporter
  2. Lumberjack
  3. Enlisted Military personnel
  4. Cook
  5. Broadcaster
  6. Photojournalist
  7. Corrections officer
  8. Taxi driver
  9. Firefighter
  10. Mail Carrier

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