Aside from the glorious Tourism Tasmania campaigns from BMF, the island rarely gets much in the way of column inches here on B&T.
However, Tassie’s Liberal Premier Jeremy Rockcliff (pictured above) has attracted the ire of his rivals across the aisle for his social media ads spending.
Rockcliff’s splurge? $22,000 over 90 days.
“The Premier appears to be using taxpayer funds to tell taxpayers how good he is,” fumed Labor MHA Dean Winter as reported in The Mercury.
“He should be using Liberal Party funds, not taxpayers. They don’t need him using their money to pay for his ads.”
“There is a distinction between advertising government initiatives and just advertising the Premier,” he said.
“The Premier shouldn’t be using this money for his own political advertising.
“He should give the money back; it’s clearly not up to scratch, it’s clearly not in line with expectations, and it stinks.”
Rockcliff, however, was on leave and unable to respond to Winter’s questions directly. Instead, Felix Ellis, the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services, stepped into the firing line.
“As we’ve seen, social media is an incredibly important tool when it comes to communicating with our community,” Mr Ellis said.
“A lot of people only get their news from social media, so by being able to provide information about scholarships, grants and a whole range of other important matters for the Tasmanian community.
“That’s absolutely vital; that’s what a Premier and members of parliament should be doing.”
However, Ellis was chastised for claiming that the video criticising Labor was a good use of funds.
“It’s important that we’re making sure that the community understands the matters that are before them,” he said.
“Politics is important, and a lot of people get information about politics in the news through social media.
“We don’t shy away in any way from communicating with the public.”