The super fund has launched a brand campaign to convince Aussie savers that its superannuation is monstrous.
The campaign features a large blue monster ridden by a lady called Bev (pictured above), who wants to unleash her “monstrous super on the world”.
“In a category that struggles for differentiation, we’re immensely proud of where the work has landed and its potential to help Australians achieve better retirement outcomes,” Australian Retirement Trust’s executive general manager of marketing and digital Simonne Burnett said.
“Despite our size, we are an incredibly young brand in the financial landscape, and we need to rapidly build awareness and trust with Australians if we’re going to drive growth beneficial to our members. The creation of a campaign that gets people thinking differently about the relationship they have with their super, in a compelling and distinctive way, is fundamental to us achieving this ambition.”
M&C Saatchi Group won the Australian Retirement Trust in 2023 with an integrated creative and media solution.
This campaign combines the creative chops of M&C Saatchi with the media planning and buying nous of Bohemia.
“Superannuation is the largest financial asset for many Australians after the family home, yet the powerful role it can play in our lives is too often overlooked,” M&C Saatchi CEO Michael McEwan said.
“This work assumes a leadership stance and invites Australians to awaken their super and see what it’s capable of with ART. We are incredibly proud of the work and it’s a testament to the tight integrated team that brought it to life.”
The campaign will run across TV, outdoor, social and bespoke integrations.
Bohemia CEO Paul Hutchison said that working as a fully integrated media and advertising team has “given us the perfect opportunity to harness the combined power of creativity and media to hand select monstrous media placements that enhance the ‘Awaken Your Super’ message”.
Hutchison spoke with B&T about the advantages of an integrated agency approach and his plans for Bohemia this year.