Sometimes marketers get it right and sometimes they get it so wrong! So B&T is doing a weekly roundup of the best, worst and “WTF” of the week in advertising.
“She’s a cab driver; he’s a crab driver. She lives in Tokyo; he lives in Kyoto. Her name is Agostina; his is Santiago.” Scrabble becomes adorable and hipstery. It’s no longer an old person’s game, it’s a game that brings people together.
Pancho Cassis, executive creative director of Lola Madrid, told Adweek: “this communication was aimed at opening up to a broader audience, specifically younger players and non-players who spend a lot of time online but are seeking out offline experiences.”
The ad is kind of like a 500 Days Of Summer rip off, but still adorable.
Fast food companies are relaunching a lot of their past characters, think McDonald’s new Hamburglar. KFC has jumped on the bandwagon, re-imaging the KFC colonel played by ex-SNL star Darrell Hammond.
Despite the quirky TVCs, Colonel has jumped on Twitter feed and he’s really showing his age. The Colonel committed one of Twitter’s deadliest sins- posting 18 tweets in 30 minutes. Maybe KFC did this deliberately, showing how out of date the Colonel now is, but shit this is annoying:
Hello, my fellow Americans, Twitterers and fans of the greatest fried chicken on God’s green earth. This is the one, the only, Colonel
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
Harland Sanders. And owing to my desire to maintain clear and concise communication with fans of the greatest fried chicken available, that
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
of course being my Kentucky Fried Chicken with 11 Original Herbs & Spices, I’m able to recognize that the Twitter Channel is an ideal way to
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
do just that! That is to say, I personally have taken over the duties (and awesome responsibility, as I see it) of social communication
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
on behalf of all the fine men and women at Kentucky Fried Chicken. Now, before I get to the point that I most want to make, that being the
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
value of what I call “The Hard Way” in a world in which “The Easy Way” is becoming increasingly more winsome, let me first mention that my
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
Kentucky Fried Chicken is Finger Lickin’ Good because it’s cooked in specially designed, patented equipment that seals in all the natural
— KFC (@kfc) May 27, 2015
Well you get the point. It’s annoying.
Why does the mum stand there after and continue to watch? Wouldn’t you just drop everything and run.
Adrian Troy, Irn-Bru head of marketing, said: “For generations Irn-Bru has been around to get people through all kinds of difficult situations. ‘Get a Grip’ shows that Irn-Bru is always there to lift your spirits and help you through anything life can throw at you…no matter how awkward it may be.”
Join us next week, for what’s turning us on and turning us off in the advertising world.