Massive ideas forum TEDx is in Sydney today, and to promote the event M&C Saatchi has developed a campaign to showcase ideas and how they grow as they are shared.
The campaign went live this week with out-of-home installations and digital banners in the lead up to the festival.
Following the event the campaign will change gears to drive TEDxSydney community membership through to August.
Sydney is the biggest TEDx event in the world with 30 million online views at last year’s festival.
However, many of those were from overseas so the challenge of the campaign is to drive long-term sustainability by engaging a local audience.
TEDxSydney licensee and founder Remo Giuffre said: “It’s important to us that the ideas shared on the TEDxSydney stage each year reach as many Australians as possible.
“The fact that the talks are accessible year-round on the TEDxSydney website and via the app makes this possible. We’re delighted to have M&C Saatchi on board this year to extend our reach leading into and beyond the day of TEDxSydney itself.”