Changing the Ratio is almost upon us, folks! And at B&T, we think driving diversity and inclusion in our industry has to go beyond just a one-day event.
Which is why we’ve got a Diversity Centre too – in a tab on the Changing the Ratio website right here.
All you have to do it make a log-in and you’ll find yourself drowning in a wealth of super useful, mind-blowing information surrounding inclusion and diversity.
Making a log-in is free, BTW.
Some of said useful information comes from the case studies on the website – and they’re so good we’ve decided to create a series of them! But be warned – you won’t find the full case study here. You’ll have to take the two minutes to make a log-in.
Last week we brought you OMD’s case study, and our second diversity case study is…. The Royals!
The Royals is just six years old in Melbourne and three in Sydney and was named Best Employer – under 100 employees at the 2017 B&T Awards.
Dan Beaumont, managing partner, said that the issues of gender equality, diversity and inclusion are “hygiene factors” that are crucial elements of the company’s culture.
“Diversity is important because a lack of it means a lack of relevance,” he said.
“If we have a diverse culture, we’re able to do a diverse range of work.”
With around 80 employees who hail from 15 different countries and speak 12 different first languages, and with a 50/50 gender split, including in its senior leadership team, it seems The Royals are walking the talk. They also hire people from a range of backgrounds, and count a marine biologist, ex-journalists, lawyers, a criminologist and accountants as staff members.
“All of our clients value gender equality, diversity and inclusion,” Beaumont said.
He also added that the make-up of The Royals’ staff has allowed them to think in a diverse way for their clients.
For example, The Royals did work for the White Pages to drive them into different subcultures to create Connective Collective. This is a joint initiative between Settlement Services International and White Pages Australia that comprises a pilot program and welcome pack designed to help migrants and refugees to find the services and businesses they need to build their new lives.
The Royals were also responsible for initiating the Say no to no campaign to bring the industry together during the same sex marriage debate, getting 500 agencies to sign the pledge that they’d block harmful messages from entering into the public discourse.
Apart from gender, age diversity is also very important for The Royals, where three generations are employed.
“Age equals experience, but employment and promotion are still based on merit,” Beaumont said.
Culture = success
Beaumont said that when they started their business, they believed that the number one priority of what would make them successful was culture.
“Our culture has influenced how successful the business has become from a monetary point of view. We recruit and promote based on merit, providing there is a good cultural fit,’ he said.
“The attitude in agencies always used to be dollars first, growth first. It’s only been in the last five years that agencies have focussed on culture. Leaders need high IQ, high EQ and a high humility quotient.
“We need to treat people like adults. Now it’s about output and treating people fairly.
“Our engine is our people’s brains, so we have to look after them.”
Changing the Ratio will be held on May 28 at Sydney’s Belvoir St Theatre in Surry Hills. Grab tickets here, and for all other information, head to the website.