Twitter has introduced a new ‘mute’ button to its platform, allowing Twitter addicts to silence the nuisance 140 character musings of those they would rather not offend with a cold ‘unblock’ or ‘unfollow’.
The ‘mute’ button appears to be less harsh than the ‘unfollow’ or block features already available on the platform.
According to the statement on Twitter’s blog: “The muted user will still be able to favourite, reply to and retweet your tweets; you just won’t see any of that activity in your timeline. The muted user will not know that you’ve muted him/her, and of course you can unmute at any time.”
Twitter users appear divided on the new feature with some welcoming it with open arms while others suggest the feature goes against what the social media platform is about.
In the 24 hours plus the feature has been available (the feature is being rolled out over the next few weeks) The Guardian has already compiled a list of 13 reasons to mute someone on Twitter.
Reasons such as ‘I really like you but don’t want to listen to you’, ‘I hate you but I’m afraid of you’ and ‘I want you to follow me but I don’t care about your tweets’ top the list.