Most ads for airlines are full of teary airport reunions, cocktails on the beach or spruiking the merits of the carriers’ impressive onboard leg room.
So, a new spot for China Airlines should be applauded for taking a wholly different – and amusing – route.
Called “What Travel Brings You”, the 90-second spot’s the work of Leo Burnett Taiwan and shows the downside of travelling – an unwanted tattoo from Amsterdam, an unwanted marriage certificate from Las Vegas, or a very unwanted pregnancy from the Gold Coast.
However, there has been a little confusion about some of the cultural references in the spot.
Apparently, Chinese audiences didn’t get the marriage certificate scene, while others were confused about the young Korean being pulled over and arrested by the police. South Korea’s capital Seoul is known for its cheap cosmetic surgery procedures and the gag is that the woman no longer looks like her photo on her driver’s licence.
Anyway, enjoy the fun below: