A new study out of the US has highlighted the rise and rise of native advertising at the expense of programmatic and print.
The study by ad sales firm MediaRadar investigated ad spending patterns from print, digital and email advertisers across native, video and mobile campaigns over the past 18 months.
You can download a copy of the report here.
The major finding of the report was the rise in native advertising across the platforms, surging 74 per cent in the past five years and tripling since 2015.
MediaRadar also found the categories worked best using native advertising, with media and entertainment topping the list. The study noted that native advertising was in vogue because it regularly returned a better ROI than traditional ads.
The report was also bad news for print ads which had decreased eight per cent year-on-year and declined six per cent from the first quarter of 2016.
In the first quarter to 2017, the MediaRadar report found that 5000 fewer advertisers purchased ads programmatically than the first quarter of 2016. This, it found, may have been caused by the YouTube effect, where advertising had been discovered alongside inappropriate content including hate and racist videos.