China’s third largest airline, Air China, is in damage control after an in-flight magazine warned about visiting parts of London “populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people”.
The racist stink was uncovered by the UK’s The Sun after the in-flight magazine, titled Wings Of China, advised visitors to the capital city to avoid ethnic areas, not to go out at night; while women were advised not to travel alone.
See the offending piece below:
According to The Sun, a London politician who has a large Indian population in his constituency, has called for the magazine to be banned.
Virendra Sharma said in an interview with the BBC: “I am shocked and appalled that even today some people would see it as acceptable to write such blatantly untrue and racist statements.
“I have invited representatives of Air China to visit my constituency of Ealing Southall to see that a very multi-cultural area is safe, and would be of great value for those visiting London to see.
“I will await their response, and if an appropriate one is not forthcoming I shall feel forced to question whether Air China is a fit company to operate in the UK.”
Air China, who operates two flights into London a day, has so far not responded to the offending piece.