In another blow for GroupM its Maxus agency has lost the AGL account – rumoured to be worth around $16 million according to the gas supplier’s website – to rival McCann Melbourne.
McCann will now do both the creative – an account it picked up in January – and the media buying.
In a statement, AGL’s general manager marketing and retail customers Mark Brownfeld said: “AGL Energy (AGL) will move its media account from Maxus.
“Our customers’ needs and media consumption habits are rapidly changing and we felt it was time for a fresh set of eyes to look at our business. We have enjoyed working with the Maxus team over a number of years and thank them for their hard work on our account.”
“We have identified a new partner which will be announced shortly. We will not go through a pitch process.”
It is understood that Maxus did not re-pitch for the business.