M&C Saatchi’s webinar series Open House kicked off last night, with an introductory session from Justin Graham, Group CEO AUNZ and Timothy Ng (pictured below), Account Manager. Open House is an initiative that consists of a series of free webinars, as well offering participants the chance to secure a paid internship, aimed at career movers, fresh starters, students. Here’s a snapshot of what Ng had to say…
I wanted to be an actor. Theatre was what got me off. Something special happens when you get the opportunity to think creatively. Faster heart rate, your brain feels plugged in and you get excited about the possibilities of a blank canvas. This is what made me want to perform, work with directors and interpret scripts. What didn’t excite me was the prospect of being unemployed for most of the year. Making a living with part time gigs in the hope that maybe, some day, I MIGHT get the opportunity to perform Hamlet with the STC. Even then, that would have only been the start.
There’s an existential dread that creative people have on a near day to day basis. Right lobe needs to feel fulfilled creatively, it wants to sing, perform, write, paint and create. To create something beautiful, meaningful and powerful from absolutely nothing with no one telling you ‘no’ is its ultimate purpose. On the other hand, the left lobe wants to pay the bills and put food on the table. A nice bottle of wine every now and then doesn’t hurt either.
Too often these things feel mutually exclusive. Like you can either be an excel monkey with an expense account or a homeless muralist. Now don’t get me wrong, I like excel monkeys and muralists. Excel monkeys are my friends! I’m just saying, surely there’s a midpoint between pure creative endeavours and a cubicle with a motivational poster.
I want to work in advertising. This is pragmatism. Not compromise or selling out, but exploring a different kind of challenge. A brief in advertising can be an incredibly thought provoking challenge. ‘How do you solve a business problem, with creativity’. It is an epic collision of left and right brain thinking that has the potential to create beautiful, meaningful and powerful art. Its purpose is profound. It’s convinced people to do, it’s convinced people to think, it’s convinced people to change the world for the better. It’s also influenced our society and culture in undeniably negative ways. It convinced a generation to smoke, it’s made sexist ideals of women the norm. It even convinced the world to go to war. Nonetheless, you cannot deny how fundamental its impact has been on history, culture and politics. No other form of creative endeavour has the impact that advertising has and will have on our world.
To those who’ve thought about it. Open house is an initiative started by M&C Saatchi which aims to secure the next generation of intelligent, fiercely creative, conscious advertisers. I know how difficult it is to get into this industry, to work for the awarded agencies around Australia. I also know there are too many talented people who’ve missed out, overlooked or maybe just not thought about a career in advertising. If this is you, register. It’s free and will give you an amazing insight into the practical ins and outs of this industry… Something a $30,000 degree doesn’t teach you… Last night Justin Graham and I kicked off the series with our two cents on advertising, why we love the industry and what the future for creativity might look like.
Brutal Simplicity of Thought encapsulates everything we do at the M&C Saatchi Group. “Born from a dislike for vagueness and waffle, it’s a preference to get to the point”. It’s the embodiment of everything we do across our 9 companies, from advertising to brand strategy. From media buying to innovation design. It’s the core behind our ads which we’ve been making for the best part of 25 years.
If that hasn’t sold you on it, try it out of curiosity. Who knows, maybe you’ll like it?
To attend future sessions register here. The next session is scheduled for next Wednesday, 3rd February, featuring Chief Strategy Officer, Emily Taylor and Head of Integrated Strategy, Sophie Price who will be discussing how to interpret a creative brief, find insights and smart solutions for clients.