One of baked beans’ finest moments arguably came during the Australian cricket team’s 1998 tour of India when legendary spinner Shane Warne complained he couldn’t stomach the local spicy cuisine. Not to miss an opportunity, Heinz reportedly shipped Warne and his teammates a pallet of baked beans in a now infamous marketing stunt.
Enter new work for Heinz out of the UK that plays to a very similar theme.
The witty ad from Wieden & Kennedy London is called “Too good to leave behind” and follows the travails of an English holidaymaker, presumably somewhere on the continent, who loses his luggage containing – you guessed it – his packed baked beans to ward off the perils of foreign food.
The ad was directed by Steve Rogers (famous for his work for Uber Eats) and stars comedy actor Steve Furst (famed for his work on Little Britain.)
Apparently Furst remembered “all the acting auditions I failed in my life” to help him cry on set.
It’s good fun for a legacy brand, however, B&T can’t help but think it smacks a little of holidaying Brits sneering at their continental cousins. Check it out below: