Sports bet advertising may be in its death throes here in Australia amid the outrage and the threats to ban the category entirely.
All that aside, it has to be said the category still delivers some of the best and funniest work in adland. Primarily aimed at males aged 18-35, most sports bet aids play to a similar trope – humour, the pub and mateship. NEVER a big win!
Enter new work from the Irish-UK betting company Paddy Power that’s an all-signing, all-dancing spoof that mocks the massive dollars flowing into English football via the oil-rich Arab nations. That being, fans hating it until it’s their club to receive the spoils!
Called “Football. You Gotta Love It!”, the spot’s the work of fabled London creative house Bartle Bogle Hegarty and has fans of the fictitious Hardlypool Pigeons Football Club sing along to an adapted version of Ginger Rogers’ “We’re In The Money”.
Lyrics include: “Gone are my ethics and gone are my fears, we’ve been mid-table for too many years” and “Loads of money, transfer money.”
Enjoy the fun below. Although English football fans will probably get a bigger kick out of it than the rest of us.