The piercing recorder-playing child in the latest AAMI Insurance ads has been the subject of many complaints since it launched in recent weeks. The ad features a young family who’s car has broken down on the side of the road, with their small child aggressively blowing into her recorder as they wait for assistance.
Here’s the original ad with the disturbing recorder sound:
Some of the complaints seen on AAMI’s Facebook page include, “What’s going to be in the next ad? nails down blackboards? yodelling? Bagpipes? Mic feedback?”
Another commenter said, “Whoever approved the “recorder” ad needs to research TV viewers reception of meaningless, annoying sounds and read attempts at writing comedy, especially given the incessant repetition of your ad. Very poor pre planning and pre production from your advertising company.”
Twitterers were equally unsupportive:
If I hear AAMI ‘s ad one moe time I will change insurers #aami
— Cathy Barrett (@cathywhannell) July 10, 2016
I don’t know which is more painful to watch #AusVotes or the @AAMI insurance advert that plays continuously? #SackYourAdTeam #AAMI #YouSuck
— Bea Reddan (@BeaReddan) July 2, 2016
The new #aami ad with the little girl and the flute is genuinely THE WORST FUCKING THING EVER. WHO APPROVED THAT AD AAMI?
— Eleventh Page (@EleventhPage_) July 2, 2016
I can’t believe there’s an ad that’s more annoying than Coles’. #AAMI #whistlegate
— Carolyn (@missclarolyn) July 2, 2016
If that kid in the @AAMI AAMI ad blows that flute one more time I’m going to stick it up her arse. #Annoying #EarsRinging #AAMI
— William (@willziz) June 26, 2016
In a post on their company Facebook page, AAMI assured customers it had changed the ad to a less annoying tune, in a post that read:
“A sincere ‘Thanks’ to everyone who took the time to let us know what you thought about our latest ad (even those Tweets suggesting our ad team be retrenched #Gulp.”
“We’ve listened to your feedback, so, rather than insisting you wait for what’s coming up we thought you’d like to know we’re airing this slightly different version from today. Apologies for all the battered eardrums and howling dogs out there! #PracticeMakesPerfect#BringingTheRecorderBack #Sorry #PleaseDontFireUs.”
Here’s the newly edited ad with a “sweeter” sounding recorder, if that’s even possible with a recorder.
But we have to admit, we’re with Facebook user Cherie, who just said, “Just bring back RHONDA!”