It’s the end of another week – which means it’s time for another Hat Tip installment of weird and wacky things from the internet, courtesy of Harthat Digital.
This week’s top finds include some smartphone home truths, how to make the perfect cup of coffee, and some insider tips that anyone who ever stays in hotels should take note of.
Heading up the selection today is a slightly depressing YouTube video that puts into perspective just how ridiculously obsessed and consumed we are by our smartphones. The video, called I Forgot My Phone, has already had almost 14 million views. It’s clearly an issue affecting most of us.
Take a look. Perhaps it’ll provide a few home truths:
Next up is a parody of Robin Thicke’s song, Blurred Lines. Taking the line ‘what rhymes with hug me?’ from the tune, some rhyming geniuses have come up with, well, lots and lots of answers.
Ever heard of parkour? Aka street running. Well, imagine parkour meets Mario Bros – and you get this:
This week marked the 50th anniversary of one of the most iconic speeches of all time, Martin Luther King’s ‘I have a dream’. The speech has been commemorated by this beautiful website, We Are Still Marching.
How would we survive without coffee? We probably wouldn’t. But, rest assured, now you can learn how to make the perfect roast – using a bit of science.
Some bright spark has come up with the perfect antidote to picking up goodness knows what from dirty hand rails on public transport – your very own portable handle. Rail Reach is a kickstarter project.
Here’s some food for thought – America’s most out of control fraternities. And a little more food for thought – find out what ‘adult material’ is most searched for in each Aussie state.
And finally, discover some of the secrets that go into running a hotel. And find out why you should rinse out the minibar glasses before swigging from them.