Every week Naked Communications' Andrew Reeves scours the web for all things digital, quirky and innovative and presents it in bite-sized portions.
How Much Do You Really Love Advertising?
That’s the question that TBWA Istanbul posed of its internship applicants when they signed up for their programme this year. Instead of taking their responses on face value though they brought in some EEG gear and monitored their brain activity while exposing them to a range of advertising. The 5 of 500 with the greatest passion got the job. If it was me I would have failed – advertising really isn’t that cool! Check it out here.
A Visual Guide to KickStarter Projects
Sometimes businesses that are quite new feel like they have been around forever. That’s why it’s quite sobering to explore a tool like Project Kick – an interactive infographic style depiction of all the funded KickStarter projects the site has helped in its relatively short, but significant history. Which category most often exceeds funding goals? Table top games. How much money has been invested in ideas based in LA? $113M. Some useful stats and stuff here for future inventors.
Wearable Prosthetics Make Dancers’ Movements Musical
In a project that blurs the fields of art, technology and design, the McGill University has developed a digital musical instrument that can be worn by dance performers in order to augment their movements. By creating an instrument that is activated by gesture and which can also be worn, the dancers integrate the instruments into their movements; combing gesture and interpretation into the performance whilst at the same time creating sonic outputs.
A Quick Scan Weeds Out True Fans From Fakes
There is quite often a discrepancy between what we say, and what we do. So what better way to assess if a music lover really is a fan of an artist than to scan their other brain (their mobile) to see if they really do have the music they proclaim to be a fan of. Billboard magazine used this thinking to offer free copies of their magazines, but only to those people who could prove they were real fans of the artists on their covers. See it here.