Watch Eggs Hatch Live
What better way to make people fall in love with chickens (and free range eggs) than to see live chicks hatching? This is what ethical egg producer The Happy Egg Company and Naked Communications London have produced just in time for Easter. Called ‘Chick-Cam’, they created a live stream following the incubation and hatching of 17 eggs. The live stream ran for four days on The Happy Egg Company’s blog alongside live interviews, daily updates and prizes.
Band Creates Music Piracy Poll to Promote Album
After being given a billboard in Times Square as part of a licensing deal, Brooklyn band Ghost Beach have utilised it to spark discussion on music piracy (and promote their album). The billboard flashes the words “criminal”, “robbery”, “freedom” and “progress” next to the static phrase “music piracy is”, prompting people to share their opinion. People can tweet their support for either side, #artistsforpiracy or #artistsagianstpiracy, and the results then appear on the website right next to the choice to either purchase or pirate their new album. Clever.
Device Turns Any Speaker into an MP3 Dock
Most people have a bunch of old speakers lying dormant around the house superseded by technology. A new Kickstarter project has figured out a way to make them useful again with a device that essentially turns them into a portable MP3 docking station. Called ‘The Vamp’, the device plugs into any speaker by the left/right audio jacks found at the back and powers them. It then synchs wirelessly to your MP3 player via Bluetooth.
HP Create Giant Crowd Surfing Photo Ball
To reinforce their positioning “Making Memories Last”, HP has created a giant ‘crowd surfing’ Photoball that captures and transmits photos at music festivals as it bounces around the crowd. With a built in HD camera and Wi-Fi antenna, the ball broadcasts photos to a festival big screen and to the brand’s Facebook wall in real time. Festival goers can also print the photos at printing stations set up inside the festival.
Pay With Your Fingerprint
Just when you thought credit card payments couldn’t get much more convenient with NFC technology, a startup called Paytango is doing away with cards altogether. The service allows users to synch their credit card details to their fingerprint negating the need to carry credit cards. To make a purchase, all users have to do is scan their fingerprint at participating stores.