Dove Create a Trojan Horse for Photoshop Retouchers
Dove, the champions of real beauty, have devised a cunning scheme to take action against photo retouching. Targeting Photoshop users, they’ve promoted the ‘Beautify Photoshop Action’ – a script to automatically achieve blemish free skin on images. When activated, the script deletes all retouching made earlier to the image and displays the message “don’t manipulate our perceptions of beauty.”
Cinema Audience Freeze in Homeless Charity Stunt
Dishing out a bitter dose of perspective, FiftyFifty, a German non-profit, is showing moviegoers what it’s actually like to freeze by turning the cinema’s air-conditioning down to 8 degrees. Synched with a mini documentary about Berlin’s homeless on screen, after experiencing the cold, the audience are prompted to look to the rugs they have been provided with and scan a QR code to donate. For more click here.
How Would You React if You Walked in on a Murder?
Another week another ‘reality’ brand video gone viral. This week – a murder. A lift is set up with two actors. One strangling with an electric cord and the other gasping for help. The unsuspecting public, react in various ways including, fighting, calling the police, and walking away. The video is designed to promote the new film Dead Man Down and the viral success alongside the obvious danger faced by all parties proves that ‘reality’ isn’t a mandatory when it comes to reality brand videos.
Clothing with Bluetooth Tracking Devices
If you leave a jacket in a public place you probably won’t see it again. This may no longer be the case. Designer Asher Levein has introduced a range of clothes with embedded Bluetooth trackers synched with an iPhone app. Press locate on your phone and if you’re within audible distance you’re jacket will sound.If you’re outside of the range you’ll be given GPS coordinates. For more click here.
Facebook News Feed Update Could Force Marketers to Pay More
Facebook have announced a redesign of their news feed. The feed will be much larger in size and will enable people to choose different filters to display such as just photos, just videos or, critically for marketers, just friends. Whilst there is an option to filter for ‘just following’, where users can filter to see all brand page updates, if the ‘just friends’ feed gains popularity, marketers will be forced to pay to reach all people who have liked their page. For more on this click here.