‘Protect yourself from yourself’ is the latest hilarious message from Bonds which is urging guys to rid themselves of pit stains and unfortunate displays of butt crack.
Created by Clemenger BBDO Melbourne the first execution shows a young office worker who sabotages his presentation by displaying huge sweat patches each time he lifts his arm.
Instead of hearing his message the audience only hears: “figures are strong, buoyed on by a huge pit stain in the third quarter. Followed by an even bigger stain in the fourth.”
And so it continues.
In the second execution a guy attempts to chat up an interested girl at the park. All is going well until he bends over to pat his dog and all the woman hears from then on is “butt crack”.
Ant Keogh, Clemenger BBDO Melbourne executive creative director, said: “Sometimes, without even realising it, guys can be their own worst enemy. The moral of this campaign is to pay attention to your underwear drawer and keep things up to date.”
The campaign includes two 30-second TVCs and two 15-second executions.
CREDITS: Client: Bonds GM Marketing, Pacific Brands Underwear Group: Tanya Deans Marketing Manager, Bonds: Emily Small Senior Brand Manager: Michelle Edgar Creative: Clemenger BBDO Melbourne Bonds Creative Chairman: James McGrath Executive Creative Director: Ant Keogh Art Director: Tim Bishop Copywriter: Alex Metson Art Director: Nic Buckingham Executive Producer: Sonia von Bibra TV Producer: Pip Heming Managing Partner: Simon Lamplough Senior Account Director: Marnie McKenzie Account Director: Kate Forster Account Executive: Alex Carroll Production Company: Curious Films Director: Mark Gilbert Executive Producer: Peter Grasse Producer: Kate Menzies DOP: Ryley Brown Off line editor: Tim Parrington at The Butchery On line editor: Eugene Richards at The Refinery Audio: Paul Le Couteur and Stevo Williams at Flagstaff Studios