72andSunny Sydney has launched a new brand platform for Kraft Heinz’s flagship family favourite Golden Circle.
It is the first major work from 72andSunny for Golden Circle since winning the creative business in a pitch earlier this year and marks the first of a number of projects in the pipeline by the creative company, with Kraft Heinz launching a marketing push for the iconic brand this year.
The new brand platform, Share Sunshine, launches today with a push for the ‘50% less sugar’ fruit drink, and is brought to life across film, digital and social, with a revamped website going live next month. The ‘Share Sunshine’ song will also be released as a full length standalone track.
“We are truly excited with the new brand platform “Share Sunshine” as it will infuse fresh energy to modernise the brand Golden Circle,” said Sachin Rajpal, head of marketing-beverages, Kraft Heinz.
“It’s been a privilege to work with the Golden Circle team, to help modernise and build the future of this iconic brand.” said Luke Martin, head of product, 72andSunny Sydney.
In the past couple of months, 72andSunny has won amaysim and Tooheys Extra Dry, launched a new brand identity for Infigen Energy and created a campaign for global insurance company Chubb’s Covid-19 pandemic relief fund.
Client: Golden Circle / Kraft Heinz
Creative: 72andSunny Sydney
Media: Spark Foundry
Director: Stefan Hunt
Music production: Otis Studios