Following the success of its Healthier.Happier. campaign, Queensland Health is looking to expand the program by taking on some of the most misleading exercise, nutrition and weight myths.
Developed by Ogilvy Brisbane, the latest phase of the campaign looks to set the record straight in a world of click bait articles, ‘expert’ bloggers and miracle products.
According to Phillip Stork, director of marketing and communications for Queensland Health, it’s sorely needed, “There’s an awful lot of confusion and misinformation out there about exercise, nutrition and weight. Some of it is accurate, some of it isn’t. The hard part is knowing what’s what. Our research showed that people really want clear facts from a trusted source.”
The platform intentionally sets out to create a different voice. Jonathan Drapes, executive creative director of Ogilvy Brisbane said, “Engagement is the challenge. We’re competing with a lot of big personalities, slick claims and clever quasi-science. We wanted to be the opposite of that, use absolute simplicity to be compelling.”
With over 40 myth-busting facts developed in conjunction with the Queensland Government’s Preventative Health Branch, the campaign aims to deliver something to surprise everyone, from gym junkies to compulsive dieters to those who find the whole ‘health thing’ too hard. The website also allows people to compare their knowledge and see which facts caught out the most people.
“I’d be very surprised if anyone can get through all 40 facts and not discover something they didn’t know before,” added Stork.
Campaign elements include: TVC, Cinema, Pre-roll, Online display, Social, Outdoor, Bus wrap, Press and Interactive website.
Ogilvy Brisbane is part of WPP AUNZ.
Client: Queensland Health
Agency: Ogilvy Brisbane
Production: One20
Media: MediaCom