Millennials’ attitudes towards gender and gender fluidity (a person who identifies with a mixture of genders) is set to threaten marketing norms and stereotypes.
According to research by market research and analysis provider, the Canadean Group, by 2025 gender fluidity will become the norm among today’s millennials. The research finds that 60 per cent of millennials care more about their ‘personal brand’ that they no longer respond to traditional advertising stereotypes- pink is for girls and blue is for boys.
Consumer insight analyst Tanvi Savara at Canadean, notes gender identity is an extension of this need to have a personal brand: “Millennials feel the need to control their desired ‘personal brand’. This aspiration to project an individual brand identity is reflected in their product purchases, unique consumption experiences they desire and causes they stand for.”
The research finds millennials are challenging traditional gender identities, which will force FMCG manufactures to redefine marketing strategies.