The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation is reminding Melbourne commuters of its cause throughout September, utilising external and internal advertising on Metro Trains Melbourne (Metro). The wrapped trains are set to impact over 5.8 million across the duration of the campaign, as they travel throughout Melbourne.
The Blue Ribbon Foundation, Metro and TorchMedia have partnered for the second year in a row to promote Blue Ribbon Day. After the success of the 2014 campaign, The Blue Ribbon Foundation has decided that the format is the perfect way to maximise visibility, conveying an informative and emotive messaging for the Blue Ribbon Day event.
TorchMedia’s General Manager, Kirsty Dollisson said, “We are proud to continue supporting the Blue Ribbon Foundation imitative and relish the opportunity to deliver an unmissable transit campaign spreading awareness of the cause.”
The Victoria Police Blue Ribbon Foundation perpetuates the memory of members of the Victoria Police killed in the line of duty by supporting worthwhile community projects in Victoria.
On the 29th of September, The Blue Ribbon Foundation invites all Victorians to remember those members of the Victorian Police Force who have paid a price beyond measure for the safety of the community. There are a number of memorial services being held on the day and donations can be made at
The foundation provides funding for new and improved emergency facilities in public hospitals named in memory of fallen officers.