How To Keep Your Brand Fighting Fit With AI
Does the mere thought of AI have you reaching for the key…
How AI-Driven Measurement Can Drive Bottom-Line Results For Marketers
As a confession, AI-driven measurement is beyond any B&T journalist. Hence, why…
Getty Images Transforms Search For Publishers With New AI Tool
Getty Images has used its new AI tool to turn itself into…
Artificial Intelligence Often “Bakes In Biases We’ve Spent 50 Years Eradicating”
Do you get all you need to know about AI from old…
oOh!media Unveils New AI Platform For Marketers
oOh!media has unveiled a new automated private marketplace which harnesses the power of machine learning…
The Trade Desk To Usher In “Next Generation Of Advertising” With The Help Of AI
Does talk of programmatic make your head wobble? Well, this handy read…
Artificial Intelligence Is Like Letting 17-Year-Olds Loose On Your Business: Westpac CIO
If AI isn't already scaring the shit out of most people, comes…
Facebook Won’t Tweak Female Nipple Censorship
Are former lovers or known enemies in possession of unsolicited photographs of…
Study: Aussies Still Confused By Artificial Intelligence
AI now joins giving way at roundabouts, gridiron and Peter Dutton on…
Why Every Marketer Needs To Get On Board The AI Train
Missed the gravy train or even the VR train? Well, the AI…
“The Future Of Web”: Smart Video Australia Unveils World-First AI Tech
Did you miss Smart Video's preso about its whizz-bang new bit of…
Study: APAC Marketers Are The Global Leaders For AI Adoption
A new report has given APAC marketers a huge AI tick of…
AI: Not Just A Marketing Buzzword
In this opinion piece, Mick O’Brien (pictured below), Datorama’s managing director for…
“Next Year Will Be The AI Moment Of Truth For Brands”: Quantcast ANZ MD Andrew Double
Thinking of penning a 2018 predictions list? Well, this one's as good…
How To Drive Driving Consumer Obsession Through AI
Forced to make bird calls in the office such is your ignorance…
AI – To Join It Or To Beat It
I'm afraid we can't let you read this piece Dave! That's a…
Study: Two-thirds Of Marketers Can’t Make Sense Of Their Data
Do you have strong suspicions your marketing department doesn't know what they're…
Study: Two-thirds Of Millennials Receptive To AI In Advertising
Rocket Fuel’s unveiled its "Consumer Perceptions of AI Survey". And here it…
A.I. Isn’t Going To Take Over Humanity, It’s Going To Save Businesses: DAZE
One thing to instil fear into any B&T journalist is an AI…
Tons Of Brands Tried To Make A Splash With #DrummondPuddleWatch
If yesterday's story about a puddle in the UK bored you senseless…
A Puddle Is Now Famous In England After Agency Periscopes It
If any more proof was required that humanity's intelligence has reached tipping…