Make sure you have a box of tissues at the ready. Industry body for making public service announcements in America, Ad Council, has released a video showing exactly how love has no labels.
The PSA was filmed live on Valentine’s Day.
Launched February 12, the ‘Love has no labels’ campaign aims to encourage people to rethink their own bias. Already the campaign has been snatched up by social media, reaching 8.5 million on Twitter and 1.8 million on Facebook.
“No matter what our declared beliefs, bias can live in all of us. Recognizing this type of ‘fast thinking’ discrimination is the first step towards greater understanding and acceptance in our country,” said Lisa Sherman, president and CEO of the AdCouncil.
“We’re so proud to have such provocative creative to help spread this crucial message.”
Rachel Godsil, co-founder and director of research of the Perception Institute in the States added: “Implicit bias refers to the way people unconsciously and sometimes unwillingly exhibit bias towards other individuals and groups.
“It doesn’t mean that people are hiding their racial prejudices, instead, people who actively reject prejudice may still unknowingly carry around some degree of bias or stereotypes about others. The good news is that once we are aware of our biases, we can begin to take action to reduce the effects they can have on our behaviour and ultimately, to reduce the biases themselves.”
The PSA will run on donated time too, both online and TV in the States