As someone who has watched the Barbie movie not once, but twice, I’m getting to the stage where I can nearly quote the film. On my second viewing of the film, there was one particular moment that (for me) shows exactly where we are in regard to equality (and no it’s not the speech).
It’s when Sasha, the daughter of America Ferrara’s character says “Even if you can’t make it perfect, you can make it better!”
We have come so far with gender equality in such a short amount of time and the progress we are making is nothing short of phenomenal – the recent Matildas game is the most-watch TV event of the year!
And yet – things are not perfect, particularly in very important areas such as sexual violence and pay. Depressingly, just 1.5 per cent of sexual assaults result in a conviction. Given 23 per cent of women in Australia have experienced sexual violence (vs 8 per cent of men) that’s a lot of women who have been let down by the criminal justice system and robbed of their sense of safety.
Equally, the average woman in Australia has nearly half the savings of the average man and the gender pay gap still remains at at least 13 per cent. That may be good compared to times gone by, but absolutely no one wants to be getting paid less for their work due to archaic unconscious biases.
Things are not perfect and we shouldn’t pretend they are. But we all have the power to make it better.
A lot of the real magic of the B&T Women In Media Awards is the industry coming together and really cheering on the incredible work that the women in the industry do.
It’s creating a world where we cheer on women just as loudly as men and show our female leaders the respect that they deserve. It’s also a chance to network and form connections with people in the industry who share similar values.
So if you feel called to attend, please ACT NOW because tickets are selling fast!
The awards night will take place at 5:30pm-11:00pm, Friday 25th of August at the White Bay Cruise Terminal Friday 25th of August, so – buy your tickets HERE.
As well as the winners of these awards, we will also be crowning the People’s Choice Winner and revealing the B&T Women In Media Power List.
Big thanks to our sponsors for making the awards happen!