Boxer & Co. have just redesigned the ProVision range of contact lenses. Contact lenses brand, ProVision, wanted to pull away from the herd and create a differentiated brand by approaching the it with modernity and a consumer focus.
This category’s packaging is awash with science, pale blue and water splashes – all cliqués that needed to be avoided. A striking and emotive design was created, focussed around the freedom that the lenses can give to former spectacle wearers.
Boxer & Co. created a design that uses a modern take on a 1950s style of illustration. Activities ranging from swimming to cliff jumping to dancing and reading adorn the packs in an ownable way.
The types of contact lense are distinguished by the solid background colour. Furthermore, the wearer’s condition is indicated by the colour of the circle that houses the illustration, with the most premium range having two circles to portray its more complex structure.
New icons were created to help quickly navigate the benefits.
“We are thrilled with Boxer and Co’s development of a unique and standout packaging solution that brings a strong retail and consumer friendly flavour to a product category that has until now been 100 per cent clinically positioned and better suited to the back room versus the retail environment,” marketing manager Sarah O’Connor said.
“ProVision Contact Lenses packaging now reflects the true consumer benefits of wearing them – absolute freedom to get on with their day and enjoy activities that would be otherwise be restricted with glasses.”