Meet The Women Leading Tech: SendGold CEO Jodi Stanton

Meet The Women Leading Tech: SendGold CEO Jodi Stanton

In true entrepreneurial style, Jodi Stanton is not only the CEO, but also acting CFO and acting CMO of digital gold money platform SendGold.

Described by Stanton as a “labour of love”, SendGold managed to go live in four new countries and more than double its financial goals in 2019.

As acting CMO, Stanton led marketing efforts which included designing a machine-learning-based, experimental design to drive customer experience on a global scale and generate customer insights rarely seen in the start-up world.

She also led the innovation on SendGold’s our Augmented Reality (AR) location game (think Pokémon Go but with real gold) Goldrush. 2019 saw the game transition from a customer acquisition tool to a profitable game on its own.

And while Stanton has taken on a diverse and consuming role with the company she started, she has still made an effort to bring in the right talent to surround her.

In 2019 she hired over a dozen talented, driven, exceptional women (and some men too) across legal, marketing, design, PR, accounting, corporate advisory, intelligent marketing, analytics, and software development to provide professional services as required.

She also served another year on Western Sydney University’s Infrastructure Committee, advising the Board of Trustees on end-to-end technology across its 8 campuses and property portfolio.

To find out more about our Women Leading Tech awards click here.


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