Sandilands Hits New Lows In Samantha Armytage Attack
Kyle was certainly up to his old tricks this morning. And by…
Sandilands Savages Rivals Hamish & Andy In Latest On-Air Attack
Kyle's said something cultivated, erudite & lettered. Just kidding, it's his usual…
Kyle Sandilands Offers DEVAST8 Tattoo Guy A Job Live On Air
Kyle Sandliands sets out to prove he's not a total wanker, but…
Kyle Sandilands Claims Heart Attack In London, Turned Away By Two Hospitals For Being “Too Fat”
Kyle almost dropped dead of a heart attack! Which would make Mark…
Sandilands On Worner: It’s “Fine To Fiddle Around With Someone That Works For You”
Just when things couldn't get any worse for Seven's Tim Worner, Kyle…
Kyle & Jackie O Get Pulled Off Air For Jokes About Rolf Harris’ Sex Crimes
And to think B&T was just about to make a Rolf Harris…
Sandilands Reveals “Grubby” Tactics By Rivals Nova & 2DayFM Live On Air
We would say Kyle is arguably Australian media's crankiest, bitter curmudgeon, but…
Sandilands Declares “War” On Nova And “Those Clowns At 2DayFM”
Yes, news of Kyle sounding off is nothing new. Alternatively, go to…
ARIA Awards Prove A Success For Ten (As Kyle Sandilands Uses Hosting Spot To Make Tit Of Himself)
Nothing says "I'm getting old" like watching the ARIAs and admitting you've…
Kyle Blasts Psychic For Not Telling Him When He’ll Die, Calls Her “Arsehole Friend”
Kyle's one big, cuddly teddy-bear, isn't he? Albeit a rude, obnoxious and…
Is Carrie Bickmore The Answer To Southern Cross’s Woes?
Despite the mega-million salaries, the fame and only having to work four…
Radio Host Kyle Sandilands Scores New Gig In TV World
Does your Nana pine for the TV return of "that wonderful Sandilands…
Kyle Slams For Trying To Make Him Look Like A “F*cking A*sehole”
Kyle's rants are like searching colleagues' bikini photos on Facebook. Wrong on…
Jackie O Apologises For Voicing “Ugly Rumours” About Eels Player After Alleged Legal Action
Radio announcer makes highly offensive comment only to be "mortified" she caused…
Kyle Ridicules Rove & Sam Saying It Was The Best Decision To Move To KIIS
Yes, it's yet another article about Kyle behaving like a boorish, imperious…
“I Would Never Go Back To Austereo!” Kyle Slams SCA Rumours On-Air
Despite rumours of a $20 million offer to return to 2Day, Kyle…
Jackie O Storms Out On Kyle Sandilands After On-Air Fight
Are cracks starting to appear in the partnership between Sydney's FM radio…