Radio personality Jackie Henderson – one half of the KIIS Kyle & Jackie O show – has apologised on air for comments she had made questioning the paternity of Parramatta Eels’ player Kieran Foran’s child.
Henderson had alluded to rumours that pulled into question Foran’s father status on the KIIS1065 Sydney breakfast show.
The apology on Friday morning’s show comes after reports Foran’s lawyers were pursuing legal action against the Australian Radio Network (ARN), the parent company of the KIIS network. The legal letter from McGirr Lawyers allegedly said Henderson was required to submit a full apology and retraction of her comments.
However, as of Thursday evening a spokesperson from ARN said they hadn’t seen anything legal.
“It has been reported in other media that legal action has been taken against KIIS 1065 regarding comments made on air,” said the spokesperson.
“As of 9pm today KIIS 1065 has not sighted any legal letter.
“Jackie and the KIIS team are mortified that anything said has caused hurt to Kieran Foran and his family at such a difficult time. We apologise unreservedly for this and wish them all the best.”
On air Friday morning, Henderson opened the breakfast show saying she had to address a situation.
“I gave voice to a really ugly rumour and I just wanted to apologise for that,” she said. “It was stupid to say what I said, and it was really insensitive. Especially considering what Kieran’s going through at this time in his life.
“I don’t want to repeat this ugly rumour, because that’s what it is. But I just want to take this time to personally apologise to Rebecca and Kieran for what I said. I can imagine how hurtful that must have been.
“And I feel really terrible. I really do. And I’m truly sorry. Despite what some people must think, it’s not what I’m about in radio and have tried very hard in my career to not be hurtful. And that’s why I’m very sorry for any harm that I’ve caused and I hope that they accept my apology.
“I am sorry.”
Kyle Sandilands, the other half in Kyle & Jackie O, didn’t know what was going on, but gave the floor to Henderson to say her bit.
The apology was replayed again at 7am.