Jackie O On Melbourne: “It Didn’t Go Gangbusters, But That’s Okay. It Humbled Us”
B&T had a humbling Melbourne experience recently, too. Though that involved a…
Radio Ratings: Sandilands Sans Jackie O Gets Beat By Ben Fordham
Ben Fordham returns to the top of the radio ratings. Alan forced…
Jackie O Reveals She Is Taking A Break From Radio To Focus On Her Health
The question remains - with Jackie O on extended leave, will double…
B&T Exclusive! “We Haven’t Lost Any Advertisers!” Sandilands & Jackie O Talk Reigning Supreme
As regular readers know, B&T has a morbid fascination with Kyle &…
Australian Podcast Advertising Spend Continues To Soar
It appears the end of the pandemic hasn't seen a fall in…
Jackie O Slams The Daily Mail Over Claims Her “Nipple Was Visible!”
Yes, it is 2022 and this is the kind of stuff women…
Sandilands Returns To KIIS After Calling The Lawyers & Walking Out Friday
Sandilands definitely in his, "I'm the only one that does anything," era.…
“Sound System From Lowes!” King Kyle Slams The AFL’s Grand Final Half-Time Show
Kyle heads long list who seemingly confused what was meant to be…
“They Think I’m Skint!” King Kyle Reacts To His New International Fans Demanding He Gets A Pay Rise
You'd be forgiven for thinking B&T had turned into the Daily Mail…
“Fu$k Off Clown!” King Kyle Becomes An International Feminist Hero For Calling Out Sexist Guest
Kyle named an international feminist hero! Not that he's taken to reading…
Albo Attempts To Sway King Kyle And Jackie O’s Vote & Heads Onto The Show
Judging by Albo's appearance on Kyle & Jackie O, our next PM…
“Do The Show By Yourselves!” King Kyle Storms Off After On-Air Dispute & Abandons Jackie O
Kyle storms off his radio show this morning. Listeners apparently thankful for…
“It Makes Perfect Sense!” iHeartRadio Launches 24 Hour Kyle & Jackie O Station!
You can now listen to Kyle & Jackie O 24-hours a day.…
Radio Host Jackie O Becomes Weight Watchers Ambassador
Jackie O named Weight Watchers' newest ambassador. Yet, B&T reckons Kyle would've…
“It’s F*cked!”: KIIS FM Host & Masked Singer Judge Jackie O Faces Double Quarantine
Jackie O forced to suffer the idignity of Pol Roger vintage and…
Jackie O Confirms: “I Am Not The Poo Jogger”
Jackie O rules herself out as the 'poo jogger'. That just leaves…
Jackie O Cleared, As Roxy’s ‘Poo Jogger’ Stink Deepens
The 'poo jogger' story's gone global! Making it Australia's most famous poo…
Roxy Jacenko’s Book Pulped After Jackie O Gets Disastrously Misquoted On Cover
Roxy's got a new book out, although her husband penning share market…
KIIS FM’s Jackie O Has Top-Charting Song Pulled From iTunes For Copyright Infringement
Typically, it's that Sandilands chap causing all the trouble, but he appears…
Shock Jock Kyle Admits To Addiction: “I Buried My Face In A Pile Of Cocaine”
We'd never tolerate any sort of drug use at B&T. Well, we'd…