The new project aims to showcase the work, accolades and success of creative and media agencies in Australia.
Today, B&T has begun rolling out its inaugural B&T Agency Scorecards project with the media agencies Wavemaker and This is Flow being the first cabs off the rank.
B&T will publish Agency Scorecards over the course of September.
The aim of the project is simple: to analyse how agencies perform and showcase highlights in a fun and constructive way.
This year’s Scorecards assess how agencies performed in the 2023 calendar year.
B&T has carefully chosen a selection of media and creative agencies from holding companies and indies, with plans to expand the project organically each year.
Each Scorecard assesses how an agency has performed against its previous years, taking into account broader market conditions for that year.
This is not a ranking exercise between different agencies, but rather an analysis of how an individual team’s performance in 2023 stacks up to previous years.
B&T Agency Scorecard Tracker
Here, you can check out the Scorecard entry for each agency:
What is an Agency Scorecard?
Each Scorecard combines information received from various sources, including B&T’s bespoke research, publicly available information, and industry sources such as COMvergence.
At the top, we have included ‘scoreboard’ information on key players and stats.
This is followed by a ‘trophy cabinet’ where major awards wins are displayed.
The next section is the Scorecard analysis, which dives deeper into highlights including client wins and losses; award wins of note; great work; billings information where available and relevant; and agency innovations in service delivery, HR and people policies.
The Scorecard then offers agencies the opportunity, in 150 words, to analyse their own performance. Agencies can also select an MVP for 2023. Not all have taken the opportunity.
Each Scorecard is then marked out of 10 by B&T with a ‘coach’s comment’.
In future, the plan is to roll out the project earlier in the year. Being the inaugural year and a challenging market, it has taken time to garner industry feedback and support and to streamline the research process to make it manageable and robust.
Our editorial team is grateful for the support and feedback provided by the industry and its leaders throughout the process.