Tuesday TV Wrap: ABC’s Big Weather (And How To Survive It) Has A Warm Debut
The ABC's Big Weather is as important as it is depressing. It's…
Wednesday TV Wrap: Hard Quiz Pips The Block & The Bachelor
The ABC's Hard Quiz upstages its free to air rivals amid reports…
Tuesday TV Wrap: The Masked Singer Reveals Its Secrets, But The Block’s The Pick Of The Night
Ned Kelly was on last night's The Masked Singer. Sadly, not performing…
Wednesday TV Wrap: Give The Man A Rose! Shaun Micallef’s Mad As Hell Overtakes The Bachelor
Wednesday night telly's a lot like the RSL bistro - an avalanche…
Thursday TV Wrap: Seven Sweeps Up, Wins Night Across All Key Metrics
This headline suggests Seven has put a broom through the opposition. Which…
Thursday TV Wrap: AFL Only Narrowly Pips NRL On An Otherwise Quiet Night
Thursdays are often a "quiet" ratings night, which is industry speak for…
Tuesday TV Wrap: Seven’s MKR Grand Final Fizzles
The big MKR questions remain. Will Pete return next year? Will he…
Tuesday TV Wrap: News Numbers Soar Amid COVID-19 Pandemic
What a night to stay in & watch TV. Had the government…
Sunday TV Wrap: ABC’s Spicks And Specks Wins The Night In Entertainment, While 379,000 Farewell Sunday Night
Why risk square eyes watching all of last night's TV when you…
Wednesday TV Wrap: Bachelorette Premier’s Numbers Up On Last Year
This season premier of The Bachelorette had it all: a crying fireman,…