Baffled by B&T’s first instalment of How To Win A B&T Award in partnership with YouTube? Then restore your sanity here with the wisdom of M&C Saatchi’s creative director Brendan Donnelly.
M&C Saatchi, the last agency to achieve the double grand prix win, prior to Special Group repeating the feat last year, took home the coveted Best use of YouTube Award thanks to their work on the platform with Big W to help parents get kids of screens.
Importantly, the work was so successful for Big W, M&C are now working on the next iteration of the campaign. Brace yourselves for the Big-Headed Bilby!
Check out the tips on how to win with the campaign’s creator Brendan Donnelly below.
If you like your advice with a large wedge of comedy on the side, then don’t miss the first instalment from B&T’s very own John and Dave here.
Has that whet the whistle for you to deliver your best-ever entry for the 2022 Awards proudly presented by our dear friends at YouTube?
Then make sure your entry’s at the top of the proverbial heap by submitting them HERE. For all other information on this year’s Awards, head straight HERE.
Other key dates for the diary include:
• Entries close: Monday 18th July 2022 (5pm AEST)
• Late entries close: Monday 25th July 2022 (5pm AEST)
• Finalists announced: Thursday 8th September 2022
• Live-judging day: Wednesday 21st September 2022
• Awards night: Friday 4th November 2022 – Hordern Pavilion, Sydney